Monday, 10 September 2007

Back in Scotland

So I'm back in Scotland and the next challenge is a Radio Drama production for my course. Also I'll try to finish best in the Marketing Research module. Why?
Well after being a social maniac last semester I want to concentrate more on my studies and sport. Also I think I'll really enjoy the Radio project. And best of all if I do well at my research proposal for MR I might be able to get a paid internship with MRUK!
In which case I'll be able to elaborate on my work there on my professional life blog here:
Okay all together now:



P.S.: Hopefully my ankle will heal soon so I can go running with the athletics society again!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

My trip to India

It has been a while now and a very exciting month lies behind me.
India was an intense experience and I'm very glad I went. From busy overpopulated dirty Delhi to India's world wonder the Taj Mahal in dirty Agra and the paradise in the south of India, Kerala, each place was a challenge with great rewards.
Here are some pictures from Kerala, my favourite place:

And here a map of India with places I visited and comments:

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