Thursday, 7 August 2008

Michael McIntyre versus ME!

It just goes on and on! Last week I went to see Michael McIntyre at the Pleasance. The review in the Scotsman was quite fair and basically said that he was hillarious (he was), even though his material was weak (it was).
Here is one of his performances (though it wasn't part of his show) :

I also went to the GRV pub where I took part in the Joke-e-okee competition. It's like karaoke except that people don't sing on stage but read out jokes which appear on a teleprompter.
Depending on the audience reaction to your joke reading skills, you are allowed to get to the next round. And here's the best bit: I won the competition! Woop me! Here's an example.. I'll try and get my own performance of Rachel who was filming it.

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